All about me and the blog

I decided to give the "365 Project" a try! It's a great way to keep track of my progress and what better day to start than January 1st, 2011. (1-1-11... now make a wish!) I'm excited about this challenge and to share this with all of you :) I have always had an interest in photography but over the last 5 years, I have become more passionate about it. I've done traditional film photography, including developing in the darkroom, but I really prefer digital. Photography has really helped to open my eyes to a whole different world and see the beauty of things that one wouldn't normally notice, or even pay attention to. When I say the beauty of things - I don't necessarily mean the actual appearance of the subject either - it's more the story behind it. I think it's important to capture special memories of important events too; such as weddings, birthdays or even a family camping trip. Having those memories to look back on become so important when we're faced with hard times, or even loss. So thanks for taking the time to read a little bit about a big part of my life. I hope you will follow me through my 365 project! CHEERS TO A NEW YEAR!