Monday, June 27, 2011

Another update to my diagnosis….


You have all been so amazing, kind and wonderful to my family and I. I know I’ve said it hundreds of times already but we really are so very thankful and blessed to have so many wonderful people looking out for us!

I just spoke to a nurse at the hospital about an hour ago. My surgery has been scheduled for July 6th. I am fearful, which I always hear is normal, but I am trying to stay as positive as a I can. They are going to try and be as aggressive as safely possible and try for a complete resection. (complete removal) During the surgery they will also send part of my tumor to have a biopsy. (It’s so weird saying “my tumor” – as if it’s some personal belonging that I want to have… which isn’t the case at all!)

I can happily add that yesterday was the first day I have made it through without crying at some point since I found out 10 days ago about the tumor. It’s amazing what positive and happy thoughts and surroundings can do for you. I’ve tried to keep myself as busy as possible to keep my mind from roaming out into the world of “what ifs”. It’s pretty easy to keep busy too when I have my 20 month old daughter to chase after, my boyfriend to clean up after (haha, babe!), college classes to keep up with, a house to clean everyday, and all my wonderful friends and family to visit and spend time with. Speaking of spending time with friends – Tony and I had a wonderful time at the Tim McGraw concert Saturday night. I was able to just relax and have fun with wonderful people. A few times I heard Tony talking to some of the others about the tumor. Discussing it with those who didn’t know – and this may sound odd but it was comforting to hear them off in the distance replying to Tony with “Wow! I had no idea, I thought she was just here having fun.” …and that I was! I was glad to be able to stand up through everything scary and unknown and just let loose and enjoy the night.

One of the most “memorable” parts of the night, in a “make-you-hair-stand-up-give-you-Goosebumps” kind of way, was when Tim McGraw performed “Live Like You Were Dying”. Warm tears streamed down my face as I swayed back and forth to the music with Tony’s arms around me. Soon we felt more and more arms come up around us hugging us into a giant group hug. For this song, and this song only, the entire audience was singing loudly. Unbeknownst to them, I was off in my own little circle of love, friends and family, feeling this song really hit home for me. It really was such an incredible moment, and tumor or not, everyone should feel free and happy to “live like you were dying” at some point in their life – and do something exciting and breathtaking. That song now has an entirely new meaning and story for me. I can’t wait to attend more wonderful events like this! (and I will!!!)

One thing I want to touch on quickly.. if I seem “unappreciative” or “untouched” by all of your kinds words, prayers, thoughts, offerings, love and everything else – I’m not. I appreciate each and every one of you and the things you have done for my family and I in our time of need and for everything you’ve offered for our future. I don’t know how to say “thank you” and “we really appreciate” it without sounding like a broken record. So please, from the bottom of my heart, know how dear you all are to me and how much it really does mean to us!





  1. I am so glad you enjoyed yourself at the concert. What a beautiful post!

    Love, Carrie
